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Ya..Whatever !

Monday, February 05, 2007

Life changes after having a baby....

People said " Life changes after having a baby.Your whole life suddenly is so centered around this little person that you do not have time or the energy for anything or anybody else."

I never believed them.I always thought 'life revolving around baby" funda depends on how much you are enmoured or overwhelmed by the baby.

But let me tell you was I wrong, the little one at home takes up so much of my time and energy that I have very little of it left, to do anything else.Its like the 24hrs of my day revolve around Nitin's timetable of feeding,sleeping and crying. Oh yeah, babies do cry for an alloted amount of time let out the excess unexpended energy!Even doing simple things in life, which you had taken for granted before, takes lots of planning.I have to time his feeding and sleeping cycle such that it does not coincide with my tasks like taking a shower, cook a quick meal or watch a fav show on TV.Much of my patience and perseverance is tested while putting him to sleep.I guess going out and socializing is something which I have to forget about for months to come.And everybody says this is only the begining....!!

But all the trouble is worthwhile when little Nitin gazes at me for a few seconds and gives out a sweet smile.He is fast reaching 2 months,he now recognizes me and is comforted by my touch ONLY... much to the chargin of this doting father :-)

Ah! The joys of motherhood ... !!! :-)


Blogger Mrudula Sreekanth said...

Hey Jo! Waiting for Pics of the little one. :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heartiest congrats!!! Its tough and it gets tougher when their sleep reduces.But by then your strength gets back and u are no more jittery when they wail...mine would be 6 months shortly.

just one tip..dont keep him in your lap too often. Invest in crib/cradle and talk to him from afar. once a lil older let him sit in a pram and roam the house with you as u finish you chores.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:20:00 PM  

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