Kitchen Computer
Having spent the last few weekends lazing around at home, we decided to venture out this weekend. While looking for an interesting place to go,stumbled upon the Computer History Museum. It seemed the ideal place for a quick, informative and lazy stroll.
The museum had a wide range of artifacts ranging from ancient computing machines to transistor machines to mini and super computers. It was a fascinating to note human advancement in the past century. All these things which we so easily take it for granted today have been invented by men who toiled for days/years to achieve it.
Of the various exhibits, the one which caught my fancy was the Kitchen Computer. This mini computer was made especially for storing recipes. This was made in 1960s and had limited usability. The display was in the form of lights and switches , so people who needed to use it had to be well versed with the binary language.They say that none of these machines were ever sold.However if they were ever sold , imagine the fate of any dish prepared by wrong intrepretation of a light/switch.
Below is the ad which Neiman Marcus came up with for selling it.